Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Last One Standing

Today, my son Colton broke my heart. I can't explain this but he broke it in the best way ever. Here's the story:

I found out that his gym teacher made him the Captain of one of the basketball teams. He had the priviledge of starting the "picking". Everyone reading this knows exactly what it means, right? Everyone stands in a line, shoulder to shoulder, facing the two Captains hoping not to be the 'last one standing'. I can picture all of the strong athletes standing there confidently waiting to be chosen. With all of them staring at him wide-eyed, he began with his first pick. She was about a whopping 4'8" tall or smaller. I imagine that she smiled as she hopped behind him. Next, was one of the most teased and bullied boys in the school. I'm sure he was surprised. This pattern of choosing the kids that aren't the most athletic (or even athletic at all) or the most popular(or even liked), etc. continued. He chose the kids who were always chosen last...first. His team lost. I couldn't be prouder.

Colton is VERY competitive when it comes to, well...everything! When I asked Colton why he did this, he simply smiled and said, "I thought it would be a nice thing to do".

1 Timothy 4:12
12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grandpa Happy

Don't you think that going through life with a name like 'Happy' would make your world a nicer place? I do. I don't know how someone could possibly have a bad day when others are saying, "Hi there Happy" or "How ya doin' Happy?".

From what I understand, people have been calling Art's Grandpa Eugene Merrill "Happy" for many years now. From the guys at work (before he retired) to his great grandchildren, he is known as Happy. Not only in name but in spirit as well. I have never been around Grandpa Happy while he doesn't have a smile on his face, a silly joke to tell or a front shirt pocket with a pack of gum in it to share. What a great name and an even better man!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I haven't seen Austin's ears for 5 years....until now!

Wow! What a difference a haircut makes! Austin finally got his haircut. He started growing his hair out in 5th grade and just cut it short in 10th grade. I am thrilled and think that he looks so handsome. I see so much more of a family resemblence.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thanksgiving and Christmas 2008

Wow! We have so much to be thankful for. Agreed? I worked ALOT over the Holidays (praise God) and had so much time to think while I drove. I got to spend a ton of time in prayer, for this I was thankful. Doesn't life seem to go so much smoother when you spend time talking to God? I spent time talking to God about each person in my family and a few of my friends (and others) too. I thanked Him for the honor of raising my children. I thanked Him for Austin's sense of humor, Colton's singing-around-the-house, and Allie simply being my girl. I praised Him for my relationship with Art, I am so blessed to have him as my husband. I feel so blessed to have this direct-line to talk to God. I praised Him, thanked Him, asked Him and just chatted His ear off. Good thing He loves me or I'd drive Him crazy.

Thanksgiving was nice. We went to Art's dad and stepmoms, Art and Sandy. I just love that lady. She is an amazingly giving person. She has a heart for God and it certainly shows by the fruit she bears. I just feel good when I'm around her, do you know anyone like that? Art's a great guy too. I'm happy to be a part of their family, whether they like it or not...ha ha.

We spent Christmas Eve with my sister, Tina and her husband, Randy and my nephew, Ryan. It was nice. We ended up in the hot tub out in the snowy winter. It was fantastic! We ate, drank alittle and exchanged gifts. I love sharing life with my sister, she loves me despite myself. She loves my kids too, which means the world to me.

We spent Christmas morning with just us. It was phenominal. Then we headed off to see the fam. First, we went to see my Grandma Blanche. I adore her. She has the best stories. Then, we went to see Art's mom, Sue. She has had a rough year with lung cancer. She recently just got into a nice, small, perfect-for-her house. It is adorable. Then off to Art and Sandy's. It was a packed house. Lots of laughter, food, presents, was great!

I miss spending time with my mom and dad, especially on Holidays. But, they are in need of the warm weather now so we talk on the phone. I hope that we can go see them soon.
All in all, I am grateful!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School (from a Mom's Bittersweet Perspective)

1 Timothy 4:12

12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

I always feel such a mix of emotions pulling me back and forth on the first day of school each year. I am excited for the kids because I remember the freshness of it teachers, friends and so much to learn. The eagerness is contagious. With that said, I also feel somewhat melancholy. I take the same photo of the kids in the same spot each year and watch them grow. While I couldn't be more proud of what my children are becoming, I miss what they were. Does that make sense to you? It just pulls at my heartstrings.

So now it's back to volunteering for me too. I've already been asked to help coach the cheerleading squad for the Algonquin Middle School. That should be fun! I'm also already thinking about the theme for the Talent Show for this year. I've got that down to a science. And sports, sports,, basketball, cheerleading, volleyball, track, paintball. I love the fall! A sweatshirt and jeans, a football game, tailgating, a bon much fun. And I should be going back to work soon....yea!

Ok, so I'm off to throw a pot of beef stew on. That is one smell that my kids love to come home to every "first day of school".

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Sister, the Surg Tech!

I am so proud of my sister, Tina. She recently graduated as a Surg-tech from Baker College. She got a job right away with Henry Ford Macomb, which is the Hospital that she externed with. She really enjoys her job and I couldn't be happier for her. Although, I could do without the disgusting stories....seriously.

Congrats sister. Much love and keep up the good work!

Austin James Wirgau- Super Sixteen

Where does the time go? I wasn't fully prepared for today. Austin got his drivers license and actually drove off without me. He and Colton went to football practice all by themselves. I prayed really hard for their safety, God is good! This is a strange sensation, the kids getting older that is. In one sense, I'm so sad that the time has moved so quickly but in the other, I just sent him to pick up Allie and I don't have to....ha ha ha ha

Austin bought himself his first car on Saturday. It is a stick-shift, I think that everyone should learn how to drive a stick-shift. It is a white Hondai Accent and he is already looking for those Delorean doors that lift up, ground effects and such. He will be teaching guitar for DRC again so maybe he can start saving up. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful, young man.

We love you Austin!!!!!!