Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to School (from a Mom's Bittersweet Perspective)

1 Timothy 4:12

12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

I always feel such a mix of emotions pulling me back and forth on the first day of school each year. I am excited for the kids because I remember the freshness of it all....new teachers, friends and so much to learn. The eagerness is contagious. With that said, I also feel somewhat melancholy. I take the same photo of the kids in the same spot each year and watch them grow. While I couldn't be more proud of what my children are becoming, I miss what they were. Does that make sense to you? It just pulls at my heartstrings.

So now it's back to volunteering for me too. I've already been asked to help coach the cheerleading squad for the Algonquin Middle School. That should be fun! I'm also already thinking about the theme for the Talent Show for this year. I've got that down to a science. And sports, sports, sports...football, basketball, cheerleading, volleyball, track, paintball. I love the fall! A sweatshirt and jeans, a football game, tailgating, a bon fire....so much fun. And I should be going back to work soon....yea!

Ok, so I'm off to throw a pot of beef stew on. That is one smell that my kids love to come home to every "first day of school".